
Computers, Technology, and Personal Injury

Technology makes our lives easier and allows us to stay in touch. However, it can also result in personal injury when it is not made and designed with safety in mind. Each year, Americans are seriously injured or killed because their computers overheat and they sustain burn injuries, or because technology injures them in some other way. Whether the issue is a GPS system leading a driver to an unsafe area or a self-driving car causing a car accident, technology can be deadly. When technology manufacturers are negligent in creating their hardware and software systems, they can be held liable and you may have a claim if you have been injured.

What to do if Technology Hurts You

If a computer, cell phone, tablet, or other device or piece of technology has overheated and caused injury or has exploded or the battery has leaked or if there is any other problem which has caused injury, you will want to get immediate medical attention. You will also want to take photos of the device and keep the device itself as well as any paperwork you have for that item, such as receipts or an owner’s manual.

You will also want to contact a Hollywood personal injury attorney. An attorney can help you understand whether you have a claim and can help you understand whether you may be part of a class action lawsuit. If someone is liable, you may be able to launch or join a lawsuit and seek compensation.

Who is Liable?

Liability in cases of product defects can be complex. Tech devices are often made with ready-made parts made from multiple manufacturers. In addition, there are often several companies responsible for the hardware and the software of the device may be made all over the world by different companies as well. Generally speaking, the brand of the item can be held liable, but this can vary. It is important to find all possible liable parties so you have the opportunity to get your compensation for your medical injuries, property damage, and any other losses you have suffered.

Keep in mind that if a device was modified by you or not used in the way it was meant to be used, the company or manufacturer may not be held liable. Work with a personal injury attorney to determine whether you have a claim.

In products liability cases involving technology, the global supply chain system can make it difficult to find who was responsible for your injuries. It can also mean brands start to accuse each other, causing the case to lag on and making it harder for you to get compensation. You need an experienced and trained attorney who can help you navigate the insurance system and can help you determine seek compensation if you decide to file a claim.

Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) If you would like to speak to a Hollywood products liability attorney today. Our attorneys have a track record of securing tens of millions of dollars on behalf of thousands of clients across South Florida.

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