
Jackknife Truck Accidents in Hollywood and Florida

Big rigs and tractor trailers have trailers attached to the cabs where drivers sit. The trailers can be removed or attached as needed. Jackknife accidents happen when the trailers swing outwards during a crash, causing the trailers to be at a 90-angle from the rest of the vehicle.

The danger with jackknife accidents in Hollywood and the rest of Florida is that the trailer can hit other vehicles or objects before it stops moving, potentially causing a lot of damage. It is not uncommon for considerable property damage or crushing injuries to happen because of jackknife collisions. If a truck is speeding when it jackknifes, a rollover accident is very likely. Jackknifing exerts a lot of force, which can lead to serious injuries and even multiple-vehicle accidents.

Why Jackknifing Happens

This type of accident usually occurs due to skidding, which is usually caused by speeding. If a large truck is driving at a high speed and the driver needs to slam on the brakes, the trailer and cab can skid and if they do they may jackknife before coming to a stop. This can be especially the case if the driver engages the drive axle brakes, causing only the front wheel brakes to lock.

In addition to speeding and braking issues, jackknifing can happen when making quick turns, or when accelerating on slippery surfaces or downshifting. Mechanical and maintenance issues can also cause a problem, even if a truck driver uses the proper barking technique.

What to do if You Have Been Injured

If you have been injured by a truck jackknifing incident, you will want to know whether you qualify for compensation. Jackknifing alone is not proof of negligence. A driver may claim that they needed to brake suddenly to avoid a pedestrian or a parked car. Speaking with a qualified attorney is important in these cases. A good attorney in Hollywood or your community can show whether the truck driver was speeding, braking incorrectly, or was otherwise negligent. An attorney can also investigate whether the truck company properly maintained the trucks and whether other drivers were in part responsible for the accident. By pursuing all possible avenues, an attorney can find and pursue all liable parties to increase the chances of fair compensation for you.

If you have been injured, contact Flaxman Law Group to schedule a free, confidential consultation. Our law firm offers a full range of legal services, so if you have suffered damages we may be able to help you find a mechanic, medical care, legal advice, legal representation, and other resources you may need. We can handle your case from beginning to end, freeing up your time so you can focus on recovering from your injuries and on rebuilding your life. We work with a team of investigators, accident reconstruction experts, consultants, engineers, and other professionals to build strong cases. If you have been injured anywhere in South Florida, your initial consultation is free and comes with no obligation, so contact Flaxman Law Group today.

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