
Nursing Home Staff Injuries

Nursing home staff face some considerable dangers in Hollywood and South Florida. This is often a challenging job and one with significant risks. Most nursing home staff enter the profession because they wish to be of service and want to make a difference in seniors’ lives. Unfortunately, various types of nursing home staff injuries in Hollywood and South Florida are quite common. These injuries include:

  • Injuries from physical assault and violence. Unfortunately, nursing home staff are often at the front line in dealing with patients or families who can become agitated. In some cases, violence can erupt, especially among residents who have mental health problems or among frustrated family members. Nursing home staff can suffer from sexual assault and misconduct, physical abuse and assault, and other forms of violence.
  • Back injuries. Nursing home staff may be asked to assist elderly people with baths, getting in and out of wheelchairs, and other tasks. When there is understaffing or when staff are not trained correctly or are not given the correct tools, back injuries and other strain injuries can occur when nursing home staff try to lift patients who are simply too heavy.
  • Workplace injuries. Workplace injuries are quite common among nursing home staff. Workplace injuries can occur due to trip and fall and slip and fall accidents, poorly maintained grounds, and other factors.
  • Exposure to illness. Nursing home staff may be exposed to contagions and to illness every day. If there is outbreak of an illness in a nursing home, nursing home staff may catch the illness, too, if they are not properly protected.
  • Car accident injuries. When staff work late hours or night shifts, they may be more at risk of car accident injuries in Hollywood or their communities as they drive home fatigued.

If you work in a nursing home and work hard to provide the best care possible for family members, you deserve to be treated with respect and you deserve a safe working environment. If you have been injured on the job, you may have the right to Worker’s Compensation benefits and you may also have a legal claim in some cases. To find out what sort of compensation you can secure, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation to find out whether you have a claim.

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