
Articles Posted in freeway collisions


Highway Dangers for Trucks in Hollywood and South Florida

Last month, a Miami garbage truck feel from Interstate 95 after crashing through a barrier, landing in a park below. While no children were in the park, the driver of the garbage truck was thrown from the cab and had to be rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. The…


Avoiding Truck Accidents on Hollywood Highways

A safety outreach program called Share the Road is hoping to reduce the number of trucking collisions across America. The group, among other efforts, is raising awareness about driving techniques motorists need to use around larger commercial vehicles. According to the organization, if you are a passenger car driver, you…


Avoiding Truck Accidents on Highways and Freeways

Highway and freeway accidents in Hollywood and South Florida are often deadly. Because highways mean higher speeds, any collisions on these roadways may lead to more serious injuries and crashes. In addition, highways often mean different vehicles sharing the same space, and if you’re in an accident with a big…


Heading Out Of State Puts You At Risk for Truck Accidents

Driving in Hollywood and the rest of Southern Florida comes with certain dangers. There are distracted drivers, heavy traffic, intense weather patterns, wildlife, and other dangers. However, you’re probably used to driving near your home and in your community. Even though statistics show you’re more likely to be in an…


If You Drive On Highways, Learn How to Drive Around Trucks

Highway driving in Hollywood and South Florida can be more dangerous than meandering drives along rural or residential streets. On highways, the speeds are faster and there is more traffic. Exits and ramps may pop up suddenly, meaning you may find yourself suddenly needing to cut across traffic. One of…


Avoiding Commercial Truck Accidents This Holiday Season

Now that the holidays are rapidly approaching, there may be more trucks on the roads. Stores are ordering more products to keep up with the holiday rush and more stores are offering delivery services. Customers are ordering more products and services for the holidays, too, putting more trucks on the…


Highway and Freeway Truck Crashes

Truck drivers transport their cargo on tight deadlines, and they often rely on highways and freeways in order to get their cargo to their destination faster. While freeways may be filled with trucks every day, freeways pose a special danger for trucking collisions in Homestead and other communities. Freeways in…

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