
Articles Posted in Commercial Truck Accidents


How do Dangerous Trucks Cause Accidents on Hollywood and Florida Roads?

There are many rules designed to keep unsafe trucks off the roads. Despite that, about 25% of the 14,000 truck-related fatalities that have occurred between 2009 and 2014 in this country have involved a truck that had safety violations on their record. Trucks are Becoming Safer Trucks are in fact…


Sharing the Road with Mobile Businesses

South Florida is not only a popular place for food trucks, but also for other mobile businesses. On the streets of Aventura, Miami, and other cities you may see mobile hair salons, gyms, furniture stores, and more. While these businesses can be fun, however, you also need to treat them…


Getting Workers Compensation after a Trucking Accident

Truckers are protected by insurance in the event of a truck accident in Hollywood or another community. However, since they are also on the job they should be covered by workers’ compensation benefits. Unfortunately, many truck drivers who are injured in traffic crashes report that they have a hard time…


Winds Can Cause Trucking Collisions in Hollywood and other Cities

Many trucking accidents are caused by driver error, mechanical failure, and road design issues in Hollywood and other Florida cities. Surprisingly, though, winds can also cause trucks to veer out of control. Earlier in November, two semi-trucks in Jacksonville were toppled off a bridge by winds. In that case, the…


NTSB Report Recommends Changes to Prevent Truck Collisions at Railway Crossings

Train accidents in Miami and Florida involving trucks are a serious cause for concern. Both trains and trucks are larger vehicles. When they collide at train crossings, the results can be devastating. These types of collisions can lead to explosions, fatalities, and environmental disaster. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)…


Volvo Introduces New Technology to Curb Trucking Collisions Caused by Visibility Issues

Many trucking collisions in Hollywood and other communities across Florida and across the country are caused by limited field of vision. Truckers driving commercial trucks have to contend with multiple blind spots behind and along the sides of their vehicles, for instance. Newer truck designs include higher cabs and larger…


Trucking Collisions and State Enforcement of Traffic Rules

Drivers or big rigs and tractor trailers are subject to more rules than motorists operating passenger cars. Truck drivers also tend to drive across state lines as part of their job, and as a result they may encounter enforcement in different states. Traditionally, truckers have claimed that enforcement can vary…


Tips for Documenting Your Injuries After a Tractor Trailer Accident

Protecting your interests after a collision with a big rig or tractor trailer involves documenting your injuries and the details of your accident. Documentation can help you if there is an insurance dispute or if you are sued. Good documentation can also help you if negligence played a role in…


How Liability is Decided in Trucking Accidents in Homestead and Other Florida Cities

If you are injured in a trucking crash in Homestead or anywhere in Florida, you may be rushed to the hospital or you may need to contact your insurance carrier if you have sustained some vehicle damage. Behind the scenes of a trucking accident, however, there is a lot of…


The Link Between Truck Safety and Celebrity

Trucking accidents in Hollywood and other Florida communities are often devastating and will sometimes make the news when the collision is severe enough. When celebrities are involved, however, news agencies become even more involved and this can sometimes mean important safety changes as well as emphasis on safety issues. For…

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