
Articles Posted in Truck Accident Injuries


Dealing with a Permanent Injury After a Truck Crash

Truck accidents in Hollywood and other South Florida communities often lead to devastating injuries. A smaller car has little chance against a tanker, big rig, or other commercial truck loaded down with heavy cargo. In some unfortunate cases, passengers in the smaller vehicle walk away not only with serious injuries,…


Dealing With Broken Bones and Fractures after a Trucking Collision

Fractures and broken bones are very common injuries after trucking crashes in Hollywood and South Florida. The force of being hit by a much larger vehicle may cause you to crash against the dashboard or other hard surfaces in the car, which can lead to broken bones. Unfortunately, while many…


Healing After Your Trucking Collision: Options Available for You

If you’ve been injured in a trucking collision in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida, you have lots of options available to you. It’s important to realize that you have many resources to choose from, because the healing process can be a difficult one. Whether you’ve suffered head trauma, fractures,…


Chronic Pain is Common After Truck Accidents

Chronic pain can last for months or even longer and is a common condition after a trucking accident. Patients who are in trucking accidents in Hollywood and other Florida cities often sustain serious injuries, such as back injuries, head trauma, whiplash, herniated discs, crushing injuries, or fractures. For some, these…


Avoiding Emergency Room Malpractice Action after Your Truck Accident

If you have been in a truck collision in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida, the last thing you want to worry about is medical malpractice. You deserve and expect the best quality medical treatment to help you deal with head injuries, fractures, and any other serious injuries you may…


Surviving Financially After a Truck Accident

After a truck accident in Miami, Hollywood, or your South Florida community, you may have many concerns. For example, you may have suffered a soft tissue injury, concussion, whiplash, fracture, or other serious injury. You may be traumatized by the accident may have to spend time recovering emotionally from the…


Seeking Medical Help after an Accident

If you have been in a trucking collision in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida, you will want to seek medical help. Accidents involving semitrailers, tractor-trailers, tankers, and other large commercial trucks are often devastating for the passengers inside the smaller vehicle. You may suffer severe, even debilitating injuries if…


Dealing with Chronic Pain After a Roadway Collision

Many people who have been seriously injured in a traffic collision in Hollywood or other South Florida cities find that they suffer from severe pain. In some cases, this pain can be debilitating and can be caused by head injuries, amputations, fractures, back injuries, and other serious injuries. In some…


Neck Injuries Are a Common Injury in Trucking Crashes in Fort Lauderdale and Florida

Trucking accidents in Fort Lauderdale and across Florida cause many types of injuries, including head injuries, paraplegia, fractures, back injuries, and more. A very common and often overlooked type of injury that occurs in trucking accidents, however, is a neck injury. One of the common problems with neck injuries is…

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