
Could Your Finances Withstand a Trucking Accident?

Being in a trucking accident in Hollywood or South Florida is extremely expensive. Medical costs are quite high here, and in many cases insurance caps mean some of your costs may not be covered. It’s not unusual for a trucking accident to cause devastating injuries, such as brain injuries, spinal cord trauma, and more. These types of injuries can cost in excess of one million dollars if they are permanent and severe. Even fractures and facial injuries that don’t require years of medical treatment, however, can end up costing tens of thousands of dollars.

What makes trucking accident so expensive? Let’s take a closer look at some of those costs:

1) Medical expenses.

Medical costs are high, even if you have medical coverage. You may have to be rushed to hospital after a traffic accident in Hollywood or South Florida. Your hospital stay alone could add up to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars and even if you have medical coverage, not all of your costs may be covered. You may need surgery and other expensive interventions in the hospital.

Once you are home from the hospital, you may have to pay for wheelchairs, braces, crutches, and any other medical devices. In addition, you may need to pay for follow-up appointments with specialists, additional stays in hospitals, surgeries, medications, long-term treatment, rehabilitation, and more. If you have been seriously, permanently injured, medical expenses in excess of $100,000 per year are not unusual.

2) Lost wages.

In addition to being faced with large medical bills, you may find that you cannot work because of your injuries. If that’s the case, you may suffer from lost wages. You may qualify for Social Security benefits if your injuries are severe enough, but applying for government benefits can be a difficult process in itself. In addition to losing income opportunities, while you’re recovering you may lose out on opportunities to further your career or even to secure promotions and wage increases, meaning you may be missing more than just a few weeks of work.

3) Property damage.

Trucking accidents often involve considerable amounts of force, so your car may suffer significant damages. You may need to pay money to get your car towed and repaired or entirely replaced. In addition, you may need to replace everything within your car.

If you had valuables in your car – such as a digital camera, mobile devices, laptops, or cash – these may be lost in the collision. In addition, the things you are wearing – such as a watch – may be cut away during the rescue process by emergency personnel. Replacing or repairing all of these items can easily add up to thousands of dollars.

4) “Extra” costs.

One thing you may not even consider after your trucking accident is all the extra costs you may have to pay. For example, you may need to pay for a rental car or taxi because your car is damaged. You may need to pay for the installation of a ramp or shower grab bars because you have been injured. You may need an extra set of hands at home for child care, cooking, and cleaning. These costs, too, can add up to thousands of dollars. If your injury is permanent or long-term, you could easily end up paying tens of thousands or even more for these extra costs

If your truck accident was caused by someone else’s recklessness or by a wrongful act, you shouldn’t have to pay the price yourself. There is compensation available to you if you qualify for a civil law claim. To find out whether you have a lawsuit, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free, no obligation case consultation. Your completely confidential case review allows you to find out whether you have a claim and how much your claim may be worth.

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