
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Do I Have a Claim After Being Assaulted in Hollywood?

Anyone can become the victim of assault and battery. In Hollywood, incidents of threats and physical violence can occur because of road rage, bullying, alcohol-related incidents in bars, and many other situations. Fortunately, you can have a plan in place if you’re harmed. Your plan can include calling Flaxman Law…


Bullying Claims in Hollywood Schools

Nearly one in four students have reported being bullied. While some adults think of bullying as just harsh words, it can have a devastating and even life-long impact on children and families. Hollywood schools (and all Florida schools) have an obligation to provide a safe environment for children. If they…


Jackknife Truck Accidents in Hollywood

Semis and big rigs are commercial vehicles that consist of a trailer and cab that are usually joined by a fifth wheel or coupler. The cab and trailer (or multiple trailers) can move independently of each other and in an accident they can move in opposite directions, coming to rest…


Hollywood Repetitive Strain Injuries

Some workplace injuries, such as broken bones, happen in an instant. Others, such as repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), can develop so slowly that you might not realize you’ve been injured or that you might have a workers’ compensation claim. No matter what kind of job injury you’ve suffered, you can…


Workers’ Compensation Claims for Frontline Workers

Frontline workers are the critical employees who most often directly help others. They include firefighters, paramedics, utility workers, and others who work so the rest of us have access to essential services. Unfortunately, the nature of their duties often exposes them to occupational hazards that can lead to injuries or…


Insufficient Security in Hollywood Workplaces

Employers have a duty to their workers. They’re expected to provide employees with the resources needed for the job and to pay on time and in full. Employers are also expected to provide a secure environment for their employees. Insufficient security can cause significant harm, ranging from slip-and-fall accidents to…


Hollywood Office Workplace Injuries

Office workers in Hollywood and across Florida play a crucial role in keeping businesses running. Unfortunately, the office environment is not immune to accidents and injuries. If you’re an office worker in Hollywood and find yourself injured on the job, you may be wondering about your rights and whether you…


Injured in a Store in Hollywood, Florida?

When you head out shopping in Hollywood, FL, you expect to find bargains, not end up in the hospital. Unfortunately, each year people are seriously injured in stores and store parking lots. If you find yourself injured on a store premises, it’s natural to wonder if you have a premises…


Mental Health Issues Are Common Florida Workplace Injuries

When we think of workplace injuries in Miami, Hollywood, and across Florida we may picture a worker injured by a fall or crushed by machinery. While these injuries do happen, in 2022 the Surgeon General announced that mental health issues, especially those caused by toxic workplaces, are among the top…

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