
Articles Posted in tractor trailers


Winds Can Cause Trucking Collisions in Hollywood and other Cities

Many trucking accidents are caused by driver error, mechanical failure, and road design issues in Hollywood and other Florida cities. Surprisingly, though, winds can also cause trucks to veer out of control. Earlier in November, two semi-trucks in Jacksonville were toppled off a bridge by winds. In that case, the…


Tips for Documenting Your Injuries After a Tractor Trailer Accident

Protecting your interests after a collision with a big rig or tractor trailer involves documenting your injuries and the details of your accident. Documentation can help you if there is an insurance dispute or if you are sued. Good documentation can also help you if negligence played a role in…


Would You Be Prepared for a Trucking Accident?

No one expects to be in a trucking accident in Hollywood or their community. Yet, every day these types of traffic collision change the lives of injured individuals and their families. Trucking crashes cause not only painful injuries and long recovery times, but in many cases these types of accidents…


How Liability is Decided in Trucking Accidents in Homestead and Other Florida Cities

If you are injured in a trucking crash in Homestead or anywhere in Florida, you may be rushed to the hospital or you may need to contact your insurance carrier if you have sustained some vehicle damage. Behind the scenes of a trucking accident, however, there is a lot of…


Award-Winning Truck Drivers Offer Safety Advice

At the recent National Truck Driving Championships sponsored by the American Trucking Associations, truck drivers were recognized for their skills and their dedication to the job. The truckers were also asked about their ideas for improving trucking safety and preventing trucking accidents. According to the winners, the best way to…


Health Solutions Can Help Prevent Trucking Collisions

There are many things that contribute to trucking accidents in Hollywood and other communities. Driver error, mechanical failure, and poor road design, for example, all contribute to their fair share of traffic crashes each year. However, one factor that causes many collisions is often overlooked: driver health. The reality is…


Are Trucking Collisions on the Rise?

Just how concerned should we be about trucking collisions in Hollywood and other Florida communities? According to recent statistics and safety experts, there may be reason for worry. Accidents involving semitrailers, big rigs, and other large trucks not only tend to be more serious than accidents involving smaller vehicles, but…


How Truck Driver Shortages Could Affect Your Safety in Hollywood and Florida

When there are too few qualified truck drivers on the roads, could that increase the risk of trucking collisions in Hollywood or your community? Some safety experts think so. A recent New York Times article pointed out that truck driver shortages are notable. Even with an overall unemployment rate of…


The Facts of a Trucking Life Could Contribute to Fatigued Driving

Many laws have been passed over the past twenty years to address the issue of fatigue driving and truck accidents. However, what these laws do not address is the fact that truck driving as a job creates some risk factors that contribute to fatigued driving in Homestead and other communities.…


Concerns About Fatigued Driving in Fort Lauderdale and Other Cities Continue

A current debate about hours of service regulation rules is really a long-standing argument about how to best reduce the number of fatigued drivers on Fort Lauderdale roads and other roadways across the country. Earlier this year, new federal hours of service rules were passed which reduced the weekly hours…

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