Articles Posted in Distracted Driving

According to Florida authorities, this time of year is one of the deadliest on Florida streets, with accidents both on primary and secondary roads. Unfortunately, this can be one of the riskiest times of the year for a Miami truck collision or car accident. Florida even has one of the unfortunate distinctions of being one of the states with the highest numbers of fatal accidents over the holidays, although the Florida Highway Patrol no longer forecasts fatal accidents for this time of year.

Florida officials will be taking part in a number of initiatives to reduce Miami traffic accidents at this time of year. For example, law enforcement authorities will patrol secondary and primary roads more vigilantly through the New Year, looking for drunk drivers, stranded drivers, and speeding motorists. Florida Highway Patrol is taking part in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over program up to January 2 to curb Miami drunk driving accidents and DUIs across the state. Unfortunately, Miami car accidents caused by drunk driving continue to be a serious problem. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, 35% of fatal traffic accidents in Florida between Christmas and New Year’s of 2010 were alcohol-related.

Many police authorities will be monitoring the streets more vigilantly over the holidays, even reducing time at home with their own families in order to keep the streets safer. According to public safety authorities, there are several things that people can do to keep safe in Miami through the New Year holiday:

1) Have a designated driver. A designated driver can ensure that you get home safely and ensures that you will not need to return the next day after a night out in order to get your car.

2) Call a taxi. Many taxi companies are extra-busy at this time of year and are working hard to meet demand. Keep some extra money in your wallet as well as a list of local taxi companies so that you can get home safely.

3) Rely on public transit. Using public transit to get to and from holiday events reduces your risk of Miami car accidents and is healthier for the environment. It is also a less expensive alternative to a taxi.

4) Call friends or family. If you cannot drive because you are tired or have been drinking, call someone for help.

5) Finish texts and emails before starting your car. In addition to cracking down on drunk driving over the holidays, Florida authorities also want to crack down on distracted driving. While there is no texting ban in the state, commercial drivers are not permitted to text and drive. Authorities will enforce that law.

6) Report aggressive or drunk driving by calling *FHP (*347). Reporting dangerous driving ensures that police can respond appropriately – and potentially prevent a Miami traffic accident.

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Commercial truck drivers are not allowed to text and drive or use cellphones while driving. However, the National Transportation Board is calling for a far more wide-spread ban – one that would ban all drivers in all states from using portable electronic devices in all but emergencies. The ban would include hands-free devices as well. While many people believe that such a ban would help prevent Miami car accident, there are also at least a few reasons why it would help prevent truck accidents as well:

1) Truck drivers are not the only ones who cause Miami truck accidents. In many cases, distracted drivers of passenger cars cause accidents because they are not paying attention to the road. By banning electronic devices for all motorists, there is a chance that there will be fewer distracted drivers overall, potentially decreasing Miami traffic accidents – including truck accidents.

2) Light truck drivers and non-commercial truck drivers are still allowed to text and drive in Florida – even though these drivers can still cause deadly accidents. In 2010, a driver in Missouri sent 11 texts in 11 minutes, causing a highway pileup that injured 38 people and killed two.

3) The problem is not going away. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has said that the situation with distracted driving is getting worse, with about 50% of drivers between the ages of 21 and 24 admitting to texting or emailing which driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, one in about 1000 motorists at any given moment in 2010 was using a mobile device to surf the Internet, email, text, or engage in some other distracting activity. This represents a 50% increase in these activities compared to the last year.

4) Banning only some drivers from texting and driving is sending the wrong message. To send the message that texting and distracted driving is deadly, all motorists need to be banned from using mobile devices. Just banning commercial drivers makes it seem as though distracted driving is not allowed for commercial truck drivers, but is fine for everyone else.

5) The evidence of the danger is compelling. There is no longer any doubt that distracted driving kills. Studies by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other experts and organizations attest to the dangers. Just as DUI was once legislated to prevent Miami drunk driving accidents and drunk driving accidents across the US, more needs to be done to prevent distracted driving accidents.

Of course, more needs to be done than just enacting laws. The NTSB has stressed that laws need to be enforced. Missouri already has a law which prevents drivers under the age of 21 from texting and driving, but in the 2010 Missouri accident, the 19-year-old driver continued to send texts and was not apprehended by anyone. Many authorities now automatically ask for texting and cellphone records to be preserved when they investigate an accident, so that they can determine whether distracted driving was a factor in an accident. However, more can be done to prevent distracted driving accidents in the first place.

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Numerous studies have shown that distracted driving is a major cause of concern in terms of Miami car accidents and truck accidents. In fact, by federal law, commercial drivers are not allowed to text and drive. During this time of year, however, it seems as though there are many more serious Miami truck accidents featured in the news. More holiday traffic and more pressure are one reason for this alarming trend in Miami truck accidents, but distracted driving is another major culprit. While distracted driving is a problem all year long, it can be an especial problem during the holiday rush, when it seems that far too many of us are trying to do far too much at once.

The pressure to keep retailers stocked with holiday items is considerable, and many truckers face extra pressures in terms of deliveries at this time of year. There are more trucks on the roads, more deliveries to make, and tighter deadline pressures. Truck drivers may feel more pressure to keep driving and more pressure to check in often about deadlines and deliveries. This can tempt drivers to use their mobile devices while on the road – to save time and to keep in touch. In addition, truck drivers have their own holiday plans, just like anyone else, and may be trying to balance a heavier holiday workload along with personal obligations. Again, this can tempt drivers into trying to multitask.

In addition, temporary truck drivers may need to be hired at this time of year in order to meet holiday demand. Many retailers and businesses hire temporary workers – including temporary drivers – at this time of year. While any truck carriers hiring commercial drivers are supposed to ensure that they hire only qualified drivers, any business hiring a driver for a company van may face fewer distractions. A less experienced driver may feel overconfident in their ability to text and drive, and drivers who drive vans for a company may not even realize that they should not use their mobile devices while driving.

There are also more drivers on the roads in general at this time of year, and while commercial truck drivers are prohibited from texting and driver, the drivers of passenger vehicles do not face any similar ban in Florida. Even if truck drivers do everything right at this time of year – even with the added pressures they face – passenger car drivers may be driving distracted and may cause serious collisions with trucks.

All drivers need to be more alert at this time of year. That means putting away all distractions, including mobile devices, and driving safely. The Flaxman Law Group wants to ensure that all our readers have a safe and happy holiday, and we hope that none of our readers are affected by a Miami traffic accident.

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There are many more Miami trucks out during the holidays than during most times of the year, as demand for deliveries and merchandise increases at this time of year. Unfortunately, it can mean that there are more Miami car accidents involving trucks at this time of year. If you wish to prevent Miami truck accidents and traffic accidents, there are a few things you can do:

1) Avoid distracted driving. Driving distracted is dangerous at any time of the year, but it can be especially dangerous during the holiday season, when there is more traffic on the roads and a greater risk of Miami traffic accidents. At this time of year, it is even more important to put your mobile devices away and give 100% of your attention to the roads and to driving.

2) Give yourself plenty of time. With the holiday rush upon us, it is common to feel somewhat harried and pressured to get plenty of errands done. However, rushing can make it more likely that you will make driving mistakes that could lead to a Miami traffic accident or truck accident. Rushing can also make it more likely that you will drive aggressively or tailgate in order to get to your destination on time. A better solution is to reduce the number of commitments where you can during this time of year and give yourself extra time to savor the holidays.

3) Give trucks extra room. There are more trucks on the road at this time of year and with more trucks and more rushing on the roadways, you will want to give commercial trucks plenty of room. Remember: if you cannot see the truck driver in the driver’s mirrors, you are too close and the truck driver cannot see you. As well, be sure to leave extra room in cases where a delivery truck may be stopping and starting often in order to drop off deliveries.

4) Use extra caution in parking lots. Parking lots are dangerous because pedestrians, trucks, and passenger vehicles are all sharing the same space. You need to be especially vigilant about trucks and pedestrians in parking lots. While parking lot accidents are usually low-speed accidents, they can be quite serious.

5) Get plenty of rest and only head out to run errands when you are well enough to do so. The holiday season coincides with the flu season, so it is not unusual to be lacking in sleep and feeling under the weather just when you are feeling pressure to run many holiday-related errands. Feeling groggy and ill, however, can increase your chances of getting into an accident. Put off errands until you feel better and more rested. If you take over the counter medication or any medication to deal with seasonal illness, make certain that the medicine will not make you drowsy or sleepy.

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If you have been holiday shopping this year, you have likely noticed that parking lots are extremely busy at this time of year. Unfortunately, parking lots can also be the site of many holiday Miami traffic accidents. Parking lots require pedestrians, trucks, and cars to share the same space and as more trucks, pedestrians and cars converge on parking lots at this time of year, accidents are more likely. You can reduce your risk of Miami pedestrian accidents, truck accidents, and traffic accidents in parking lots this year by following these safety tips:

1) Be aware where trucks park in your mall parking lot. They may park in a separate area behind stores in order to make deliveries. If this is the case, try to park away from the route that trucks would need to take to get to their delivery area. This will keep you safer as you drive to and from your space and walk to and from your car.

2) Give yourself plenty of time to do your shopping and errands. The less time you have, the more frantic you will be and the more rushed, which makes you more likely to make mistakes that could lead to a Miami car accident.

3) Don’t cut corners when driving through a parking lot. Treat parking lots just like roadways, with lanes of traffic. Do not drive across parking spaces, even if they are empty, to get to a far corner of the lot more quickly. You are sharing the parking lot with other vehicles as well as with children and pedestrians. Stick to those lanes where pedestrians and cars expect vehicles to be.

4) Don’t drive distracted. Although you are driving slowly through a parking lot, you need to be even more alert since other vehicles may pull out in front of you or pedestrians may emerge from in between parked cars. When driving through a shopping mall parking lot. Do not check your messages, text, make phone calls, or change your music. Keep your full attention on the road.

5) Be especially careful at entrances and exits. These are the areas where bottlenecks and accidents are more likely to occur, especially as shoppers and delivery trucks are anxious to get in and out of the parking area. Proceed slowly, make eye contact with other drivers, and yield right of way. When a truck is trying to enter to leave the parking lot, provide plenty of room and make sure that you are not following behind the truck too closely – if you cannot see the truck driver in the mirrors, he or she cannot see you.

6) Stay calm. Holiday stress can easily translate to road rage in a shopping parking lot, especially if someone cuts you off or takes a parking space you were trying to drive into. Do your best to stay calm and avoid engaging with stressed out drivers who may be suffering from road rage.

7) Be cautious when walking to and from your car. Make sure that drivers can see you, stick to pedestrian areas, and avoid emerging from in between parked cars. This is especially important if you are shopping at night or in darker conditions, where visibility is poor. In busy parking lots, Miami pedestrian accidents are a real concern.

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According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), distracted driving resulted in more than 450 000 injuries and 5500 fatalities. The NHTSA has worked to reduce distracted driving on the nation’s streets and even helped to institute a ban on texting and driving for commercial truck drivers. However, distracted driving still continues to cause Miami car crashes and truck accidents.

There are many things that you can do to help reduce instances of distracted driving on the roads:

1) Raise awareness. Many people are not aware that simple tasks, such as eating or drinking or checking messages can be a hazardous distraction behind the wheel. Many drivers also think that driving with a hands-free device is safer, even though studies have shown that headsets are not significantly safer than hand-held devices. The NHTSA website devoted to distracted driving education ( has a number of resources that can help you educate others about the dangers of distracted driving.

2) Don’t drive distracted yourself. Every time you take your eyes off the road or allow your mind to wander from the task of driving, your accident risk is 23 times higher than it would be if you were driving distraction-free. Even if the commercial truck drivers around you are following guidelines and driving distraction-free, you can still cause a serious Miami truck accident by driving distracted yourself. The NHTSA website has a pledge that you can sign with friends and family to vow not to drive distracted.

3) Get involved in changing laws. Although there are laws preventing commercial drivers across the US from texting and driving, not all states have similarly strict laws against distracted driving for drivers of passenger vehicles. Currently, 35 states ban texting and driving while nine states ban drivers from using handheld cell phones for talking, texting, or any other purposes. Currently, Florida is one of the states with no laws against texting and driving, despite efforts by advocacy groups who claim that distracted driving leads to many Miami traffic accidents and Florida accidents each year. Preemption laws in Florida make it difficult for localities to pass and enforce laws against distracted driving. However, you can write to your local representatives if you feel strongly about the issue, in order to encourage your representatives to seek solutions.

4) Encourage strict penalties for commercial drivers who do violate the no texting and driving rule. Unfortunately, while most commercial truck drivers do take the texting ban seriously, some Miami truck accidents each year are caused by drivers who violate the rule. If you feel strongly about this, you can write to your elected representatives to encourage harsher penalties for drivers who violate distracted driving laws.

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Thanks to the efforts of advocacy groups, many Americans are now aware of the dangers of distracted driving. To help prevent Miami truck accidents, there are federal laws in place which prevent commercial drivers from texting and driving. However, Florida currently has no laws preventing other drivers from texting and driving. Distracted driving continues to be a major cause of Miami car collisions. According to the NHTSA, 16% of fatal car accidents across the country in 2009 involved distracted driving.

One problem with banning distracted driving and thus preventing more Miami traffic accidents is that distracted driving is hard to legislate. While the focus in recent years has been on distractions caused by texting, there are a number of things that truck drivers can do while driving that can be just as dangerous:

1) Using any mobile device. Using any mobile device can be a distraction, and the VTTI has found that using headsets or other hands-free devices is not significantly safer than using hand-held devices. In addition, police across the US have admitted that it is very difficult to catch drivers who text or talk while driving. Texting can be especially easy to hide, since drivers can keep their mobile device in their lap, where it will not be noticed by any drivers or police passing by. Even since the texting ban, a number of truck accidents have occurred because a driver was texting while driving.

2) Eating and drinking. Truck drivers routinely eat on the road, especially when they are trying to make a deadline. However, experts agree that eating and drinking are among the most dangerous things that drivers can do. Each year, many Miami car accidents and other traffic accidents occur when drivers are distracted by spilled food and drink in the car. As well, opening food packaging can take the driver’s eyes off the road and hands off the wheel for seconds at a time – more than enough time to cause a Miami pedestrian accident.

3) Grooming. Checking hair or other grooming tasks dangerously remove the driver’s eyes off the road. Again, however, this behavior is very difficult to legislate, especially as legislating something like this could be seen to infringe on personal rights.

4) Reading maps and using navigation systems. In many cases, truck drivers need to make deliveries in areas that are unfamiliar to them. As a result, many drivers rely on navigation systems or, less often, on maps, to get them to their destinations. Unfortunately, these tasks take the driver’s eyes off the road.

5) Entertainment. Perhaps one of the most distracting things that drivers do is also the most difficult to legislate. Truck drivers spend many weary hours on the road and most rely on some form of entertainment – such as audio books, radio stations, or music – to make the time go by. Unfortunately, focusing on this entertainment can distract the driver. As well, changing stations, adjusting music, or otherwise changing the entertainment can cause an accident.

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In 2006 and 2007, Miami was named by AutoVantage as the city suffering from the worst road rage in the country. Road rage can lead to aggressive driving and can contribute to Miami car accidents and truck accidents as well. Anyone who has seen an incident of road rage on the road knows that this type of rage is more than just someone’s bad day. A trucker driving an 80,000 pound fully loaded commercial vehicle can cause a serious accident if they are making reckless decisions or poor choices due to road rage. Road rage leads to aggressive driving and contributes to Miami pedestrian accidents and car accidents.

According to experts, impatient drivers often become enraged drivers. Emotional driving can also lead to road rage, especially if a motorist is driving while stressed, angry, or upset. Lack of patience is one of the leading reasons for road rage, as impatient drivers often lose their temper due to simple traffic delays, congestion, and other unavoidable problems. Unfortunately, truck drivers need to work hard to stay patient. Many of them have tight deadlines to make and often feel frustrated if they are stuck in traffic or otherwise unable to do their jobs. Experts also suggest that driving while emotionally upset can lead to road rage. Having a bad day and then getting into the car can mean that simple traffic problems escalate into a serious situation. Most experts suggest driving only when you are calm, well rested, and prepared for the road.

Road rage can manifest itself in all kinds of ways. It can include gesturing, yelling, or swearing at another driver. It can include tailgating and other reckless driving behaviors. Gesturing, swearing, and yelling can distract other drivers and lead to a Miami bicycle accident or other traffic accidents. Reckless driving can be especially dangerous, particularly when it involves large trucks. Tailgating, cutting off trucks, and otherwise driving erratically can easily lead to a serious accident.

Road rage can be an especial problem when cars and trucks share the roadways. A passenger vehicle has little or no chance against a fully loaded commercial vehicle which weighs many times what the car weighs. Any accident between a passenger vehicle and a truck is likely to result in fatalities or permanent injury. Since preventing road rage can help prevent accidents, AutoVantage has several suggestions for preventing road rage:

1) Slow down. Driving more slowly and avoiding speeding helps ensure calm driving. Speeding tends to annoy other drivers and can lead to nasty confrontations. Slowing down overall can also help reduce the stress that often leads to road rage. That is, giving yourself plenty of time to get to your destination ensures that you are not rushing and upset if there are any delays.

2) Stay alert and careful. Although Florida has no texting bans for drivers, staying alert and driving cautiously are your best defenses against road rage. Staying alert ensures that you are not cutting off other drivers and causing dangerous situations or upset on the road. Staying alert also reduces your risk of causing a Miami traffic accident.

3) Stay courteous and think of other drivers. When sharing the road with others, consider how other drivers feel. Give them plenty of room, don’t cut people off, and signal as a courtesy so that other drivers know what to expect from you.

4) Take a deep breath and gauge your emotions. Avoid driving when you are upset, and try to calm yourself before getting behind the wheel. Driving upset ensures that any small problem on the road leads to even greater upset and potentially road rage.

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Truck carriers do not permit commercial truck drivers to text and drive or use cell phones while driving. In fact, federal rules place many restrictions on commercial truck drivers in a bid to reduce serious truck accidents. However, commercial truck drivers are still generally allowed to use hands-free devices. In fact, many drivers rely on these devices as a communication device while on the road. Hands-free devices help them contact their carrier and even call for help when needed. However, a new study finds that hands-free devices may not be useful in helping to prevent Florida car accidents and truck accidents after all.

According to a new study by the Governors Highway Safety Association, there is no firm evidence to show that hands-free cell phones are safer to use when driving than hand-held devices. The study examined hundreds of research studies and reports concerning distracted driving. The researchers found evidence that cell phone use increases the risk of a collision, but could find no evidence that hands-free devices are safer. Researchers did find that 15-25 percent of all traffic accidents were caused by cell phone use.

According to researchers, part of the problem is that drivers must still dial the phone or look at the phone in order to dial a number. According to some commercial driving research, the dialing of a number is considered a high-risk activity while driving, and hands-free devices do not necessarily remove this risk.

Some experts have also hypothesized that hands-free devices do not remove the emotional distraction of mobile devices. That is, a driver engaged in a phone conversation is necessarily distracted because he or she is not thinking about just driving. However, no firm research has been done about the effects of this specific type of emotional distraction.

Currently, cell phone carriers in the US do not release data about whether people use their phones or are dialing at the time of an accident. This makes it harder for researchers to determine exact causes of accidents. As well, in some cases, more than owe distracting factor may contribute to a Florida truck accident or traffic accident, and in these cases it is hard to determine what role a mobile device played in the accident.

Even more troubling are studies by The Highway Loss Data Institute, which found that cell phone bans in four states did not reduce the number of accidents in those states. These studies call into question whether legislation alone can help reduce crashes.

Despite the many questions, the Governors Highway Safety Association recommends a ban of hands-free and hand-held phones for new drivers. According to the researchers, new drivers are at highest risk of accidents and this type of ban can help new drivers avoid added distractions during the learning period. At the same time, however, researchers admitted that they have not found any proof that cell phone bans for new drivers help prevent car accidents. About 30 states have this type of legislation, and none of these states found a drop in the number of new drivers involved in car accidents.

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Many states – including Nevada, recently – have bans prohibiting hand held cell phone use or texting while driving. No state has a blanket ban on mobile devices, so even the stricter states allow the use of hands-free mobile devices. In many cases, these devices have features which allow users to dial numbers and even send and receive text messages without taking their eyes off the road. The idea behind these devices is that they are safer because they do not require drivers to look down to check messages or dial a number, allowing drivers to keep their eyes on the road. Currently, Florida has no bans on cell phone use or texting while driving, even though a number of attempts have been made to pass this type of legislation.

While a number of experts and residents believe that Florida should follow the lead of other states and pass cell phone bans and texting bans for drivers, new studies by the Governors Highway Safety Association cast doubt on the idea that such bans could help reduce Florida car accidents and truck accidents. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, cell phone bans do not necessarily reduce the number of traffic collisions. While numerous studies – including the Governors Highway Safety Association research – show that distracted drivers are more at risk of accidents than non-distracted drivers, the new study does not show a clear correlation between the use of hands-free devices and lower car accident and truck accident rates.

The Governors Highway Safety Association research examines nine states that have instituted a cell phone ban. Researchers found that drivers are distracted by many things – up to half of their driving time. However, researchers in the study also found that drivers adapt to the use of the phone and pay more attention to the road. Another study, by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) also found that states with hands-free and no texting legislation actually experienced an increase in the number of traffic crashes after their new legislation. According to experts, part of the problem is that after texting and cell phone bans, many drivers continue to take part in the risky behavior – but place their mobile devices in their lap so that they will not be caught and ticketed. With mobile devices in their laps, drivers spend more time with their eyes off the road – and are therefore more likely to cause a truck or car accident.

Currently, commercial truckers in Florida and across the US are prohibited from texting while driving. As well, truck drivers must adhere to a number of rules about hours of service and rest stops. Nevertheless, truck drivers are still sometimes involved in fatal Florida truck accidents because of texting and driving or cell phone use while driving. As well, while commercial trucks are banned from texting and driving, in Florida passenger vehicles are not subject to these same restrictions and drivers of these cars can and do cause serious traffic collisions.

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Mr. Flaxman is highly skilled and very pleasant to work with. He communicated with me at every step in the process, and clearly presented information relating to my case. To anyone considering retaining his firm, I highly recommend him. Clara Barman
THE BEST. Honest, very knowledgeable, fast and easy. has helped me in numerous situations and has never failed me. Joe Gee
Charlie is a very skilled attorney that advocates hard for his clients. But the best part is he is an all around great guy. He cares about helping and doing what is right for people and his community. And he is not afraid to fight against those who do wrong or against threats to our world. He is fluent in Spanish as well. Do yourself a favor and call him. Andy
I had a lawyer on another case and I never spoke to the lawyer and I hated that I never knew what was going on in my case. Mr. Flaxman was in constant communication with me, explained everything to me, and his staff was really great too. My phone calls were always returned immediately. It was refreshing to be able to speak to my attorney personally. I would HIGHLY recommend Mr. Flaxman as an attorney to anyone who has been in an accident. Gloria
I found Mr. Flaxman to be an excellent attorney for my personal injury case. This is actually the second time I have used him and he really represented my interests. He explained everything thoroughly and he was very available for my questions. Carol
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