
Articles Posted in Injuries to Minors and Children


Decorating a Child’s Room With Safety in Mind

A child’s room can be a great place of enrichment for a child and can provide an ideal place for homework, great memories, and a feeling of safety. Unfortunately, many childhood injuries in Hollywood and across South Florida occur in the home. Decorating your child’s room with safety in mind…


Halloween Safety

Halloween is supposed to be a holiday of fun and excitement for kids. Unfortunately, some costumes, decorations and traditions can be dangerous. Childhood accidents in Hollywood and South Florida are a concern during this holiday. If you are celebrating this year, make sure you follow these tips for staying safe:…


Birth Injuries in Hollywood and Florida

When couples learn that they are expecting a child, they are often jubilant with the news. It is an exciting time and many families and look forward to sharing a lifetime of memories with their children. Unfortunately, birth injuries can rob a family of these treasured moments. Birth injuries are…


Preventing Injuries in School

At this time of year, many students and parents are excited about new school routines, new classrooms, and a whole new school year. While school is meant to be an education and safe space for children, however, children are seriously injured each year on school grounds and when walking to…


Teen Fatigue Could be Putting Your Child at Risk of Injury

UCLA researchers have reported that teenagers need more sleep than adults, because they are at an important stage of development. According to the National Sleep Foundation, only about 15% of teenagers polled slept 8.5 hours or more per night. This is a dangerous situation, since fatigue can affect motor control,…


Start Talking About School Safety With Children Now

Now that the new school year is upon us, many of us are thinking about back-to-school. While children look forward to spending time with their friends in classes and shopping for back-to-school items, this is also great time to talk about school safety. While schools do much to keep children…


Children’s Safety Tips for Birthday Parties

Birthday parties are a major rite of passage for children of all ages. They are usually lots of fun and can create a lifetime of memories. However, you will also want to consider personal safety when throwing a birthday party or when allowing your child to go to a birthday…


Bath Safety for Kids

A toddler’s bath time should be a fun time for bonding and for helping children learn the basics of taking care of themselves. However, bathing can also pose a danger for children. Experts agree that children can drown in just a few inches of water, and it can take only…

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