Articles Posted in Brain Injury

Davie motorcycle accidents can be among the most devastating types of Davie traffic accidents you can be involved in. The difference in size and force between a passenger vehicle or truck and a motorcycle is substantial. This means that in any collision involving a motorcycle, it is likely that the motorcycle and rider will sustain more serious damage. In addition, motorcyclists are far less protected in the event of a collision when compared with truck drivers and passenger car. While most traditional vehicles protect passengers with layers of glass, plastic, metal, there is often little or nothing between the motorcyclist and the road.

One of the most common injuries sustained in Davie motorcycle accidents are head injuries. When a Davie car accident involving a motorcycle occurs, the motorcyclist is often thrown from the motorcycle or dragged along for some time. When the head comes into contact with pavement or the roadway, serious injury will result, especially if the motorcyclist is not wearing a helmet or if the helmet becomes dislodged during the accident. Davie head injuries resulting motorcycle accidents are often fatal or leave permanent injury.

There many types of head injuries that can occur in a motorcycle collision. For example, the brain can become swollen, bruised, or can bleed inside the skull. When this happens, it can result in fatalities or serious injuries as brain tissue is damaged or destroyed. Most often, this type of injury happens when the head strikes a hard surface during a Davie motorcycle crash. When this occurs, the brain ricochets off the inside of the hard skull, causing serious injury.

Another common type of injury occurs when the skull is actually cracked or fractured during a Davie motorcycle collision. Most often, this occurs when the motorcyclist is not wearing a helmet. When the skull was fractured, the brain inside is also damaged, leading to swelling and other injuries. Surgery is often required as is an extensive rehabilitation and recovery time. Wearing a helmet can help prevent the more serious types of brain injuries that can occur with a motorcycle accident. Although not required by law in every state, motorcycle helmets save lives and should always be used by motorcyclists.

A less common but equally devastating type of Davie brain injury occurs when the skull is penetrated by an object during a Davie traffic accident. This can occur if the motorcyclist is thrown from the motorcycle and an object traveling at a high speed becomes impaled in the skull. When this occurs, surgeons often have to carefully remove the object in order to allow the brain to heal. In many cases, however, these types of accidents can prove fatal as they damage large portions of the brain.

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Florida’s Yasser Lopez suffered a traumatic brain injury when an accident involving a fishing spear lodged the spear into his brain, above the right eye, and through the back of the skull. According to doctors, the teen survived the incident because the speak missed major blood vessels in the brain. Lopez’s story is still not finished as the 16-year-old still has much recovery to do. However, his story is giving some Miami brain injury patients hope.

Lopez’s story is not unique, however. There are some cases involving patients who survived devastating brain injuries. For example, in the 1800s Phineas Gage had his head impaled with a tamping iron. While Gage battled infections and suffered a personality change, he largely recovered from his injuries. In 1985, Jackie Nink Pflug suffered brain trauma after being shot in the head during an airplane hijacking. While she survived, her recovery included having to train her eyes to move and having to learn how to tell time and count money. Pflug eventually went on to become a speaker and author. In 1997, Matthew Gross was shot in the head. Since then, he has largely recovered although he still takes seizure medications and he still has trouble controlling his speech.

While these stories may offer hope to patients who have sustained Miami head injuries due to violence, Miami car accidents, or because of other incidents, they are also cautionary tales. Even those patients who do survive these types of devastating injuries require a lifetime of medication, long recovery times, and still find their lives forever changed. Many Miami brain injury victims who sustain very serious brain injuries, however, never recover fully and many do not survive their injuries.

According to experts, the brain is highly adaptable, allowing one area of the brain to take over when an area is injured. This allows some brain injury victims to recover partially from their injuries. The extent to which recovery is possible depends on the type of injury, the area of the brain that is injured, and a person’s own strength of will.

Unfortunately, finances and access to assistance also make a big difference when it comes to recovering from a Miami brain injury. In far too many cases, brain injury patients do not get the help they need in time or do not get all the help they need, which can affect their ability to recover. The story of Danny Rodriguez, for example, is often seen as an example of what happens to patients who do not receive adequate care. Rodriguez survived a gunshot to the head in 2009. However, he was sent home from the hospital before he was even able to use a wheel chair and was discharged from the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center after only five weeks. Experts believe that he did not get the care he needed to recover as fully as possible.

In many cases, finances affect how much access a person has to health care and rehabilitation. It is one reason why many brain injury patients work with Miami personal injury attorneys in order to secure compensation for their injuries, so that they can afford quality care. If a brain injury was caused by a wrongful or negligent act, Florida law does allow the patient to pursue a legal claim to recover the costs of medical care and other expenses related to the injury.

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Raffaele Pilla, Cesar Borlongan, and other researchers at University of South Florida are doing important scientific research into brain injuries, attempting to stimulate cell growth in rat’s brains by using pressurized oxygen in hyperbaric chambers. The scientists hope that their research will offer new insights into how damaged brain tissue can be repaired. If successful, their research could help Miami brain injury patients as well as patients across the country.

The University of South Florida research is exciting because it suggests that in the future oxygen may be able to help patients heal more fully from brain trauma. According to the research, it is possible that stem cells which already exist in the brain and which can become healthy brain cells can be stimulated to heal the brain using the method developed by the scientists. Use of the techniques on humans is still some time away, but eventually the research could help those who have suffered brain damage due to Miami car accidents, strokes, and other forms of trauma.

Early research and experiments on rats seems promising. Rats are placed in hyperbaric chambers and made to breathe in oxygen at high pressure. This pushes the oxygen into the tissues and bloodstream, where it may be able to stimulate the recovery process of damaged brain tissue. Hyperbaric treatments are already used for a variety of injuries, including anemia, Miami burn injuries, and other wounds. However, the USF researchers are studying the use of the method for brain injuries. A 2010 U.S. Veterans Administration report concluded that hyperbaric treatments should be studied further in relation to brain injuries, but the federal government still considers hyperbaric treatments for brain injury to be experimental.

Researchers at USF Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair have been given grants to do further testing and to figure out the specifics of hyperbaric treatments for brain injury patients. In addition to trying to determine the efficiency of the treatments, researchers also hope to determine what doses are needed for brain injury patients and how soon after injury the treatment must be administered. Since too much oxygen can kill brain cells, it is important to determine exact dosage and the right sequence of treatment.

Cesar Borlongan, who heads the research, has spent much of his life trying to determine how to reverse and repair brain damage and has focused on how to use the body’s stem cells to prevent and reverse brain damage. His early research to help stroke victims is already undergoing clinical trials. In those trials, patients are given genetically modified bone-marrow stem cells, which behave like brain cells and activate the stem cells in the brain to repair tissue damage.

If you have been injured and wish to pursue quality medical care, you may wish to speak with a Miami personal injury attorney. Under Florida law, you may be eligible for compensation to cover medical costs, home care, rehabilitation costs, and other expenses related to your injuries. Your case may be worth more than you realize, and consulting with an experienced Miami personal injury attorney can help you understand your options.

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According to a new study released by the Mayo Clinic, more patients may suffer from traumatic brain injuries than previously believed. Based on patient symptoms, researchers at the Mayo Clinic developed a new way of categorizing brain injuries into “possible,” probable,” and “definite” traumatic brain injuries. Using the new system, researchers looked at medical records dating back decades. The researchers concluded that traumatic brain injuries occur in up to 558 per 100 000 patients. Previously, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hypothesized that traumatic brain injuries occur in 341 per 100 000 people.

According to the Mayo Clinic, about 60% of the brain injuries they determined were traumatic brain injuries did not classify as such using the CDC categorization system. According to the authors of the Mayo Clinic study, men and the elderly are the highest risk groups for traumatic brain injury. However, they also concluded that younger people were more likely to report symptoms that pointed to a possible brain injury – and symptoms which did not fit the CDC categorization system.

The study may be of interest to Miami Springs brain injury patients, who often sustain their injuries from Miami Springs car accidents, Miami Springs slip and fall accidents, sports injuries, and other types of accidents. Now that the study has come out, some patients and experts are asking the CDC to reconsider its classification system in light of the new findings. Hopefully, the study will help shine a light on brain injuries across the US.

The study will also hopefully raise awareness about Miami Springs brain injuries. The reality is that many brain injury patients do not realize that they have sustained a brain injury following a Miami Springs motorcycle accident, slip and fall, or other accident. In some cases, even serious and fatal brain injuries do not present immediate, obvious symptoms. Someone may hit their head and experience no symptoms initially but still have a serious injury that requires emergency medical attention. In some cases, symptoms are so subtle and come on so gradually that Miami Springs brain injury victims do not notice the symptoms. For these reasons, it is very important to seek medical attention quickly if you have hit your head. It is a good idea to have a medical professional rule out a brain injury rather than brush off an injury as “nothing serious.” Getting prompt medical help can save your life.

If you have sustained a Miami Springs brain injury, your priority should be to get the assistance and the compensation you need to get the best quality medical treatment and other help you may need. For this reason, you may wish to consult with a qualified Miami Springs personal injury attorney. A good attorney can help you understand your rights and the probably costs of your injury, so that you are prepared for your future. A good personal injury attorney can also help you negotiate with your insurance carrier and can otherwise help you to pursue compensation for your injuries.

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According to, an American suffers a traumatic brain injury every 21 seconds. One-third of these injuries are caused by falls while 17.3% are caused by traffic accidents. Truck accidents are a common cause of Miami Beach brain injuries, since the size and force of a commercial truck can easily cause serious damage to a smaller vehicle, causing serious injuries for everyone inside the vehicle. There are many ways to prevent serious injuries caused by a Miami Beach truck accident:

1) Wear your seat belt. A seatbelt is one of the simplest and best ways to prevent a Miami Beach brain injury after a traffic accident. Your seatbelt keeps you in place and prevents your head from coming into sharp contact with your dashboard or other objects inside the car. A seatbelt also prevents you from being ejected from the vehicle, preventing serious injury. If you’re traveling with a child, make sure that the child is seated in the back and is using an age-appropriate child safety restraint.

2) Keep your car in good condition. Make sure that your car is in good condition so that it responds correctly if you need to move suddenly in order to avoid a Miami Beach traffic accident. Make sure that airbags and other safety systems work correctly. These safety systems are designed to help prevent serious injuries in the event of an accident.

3) Buy the best quality car you can afford, with the best safety features. The safety performance of cars varies widely. Buy the best quality of car that you can afford, and be sure to ask about safety features as well safety performance extensively before making a final purchase. A quality car with good safety features can help keep you a little safer in a car accident.

4) Give trucks more room. Trucks require more room to stop and some types of trucks – including delivery trucks and waste disposal trucks – make frequent stops. Giving trucks additional room ensures that if the truck brakes suddenly you have room to stop. Trucks also take longer to break, which is another reason why you want to give trucks a little more distance. Another important reason for giving trucks more space is because drivers of commercial vehicles often have multiple blind spots. They may simply not be able to see you if you follow too closely.

5) Hone your driving skills. Taking defensive driving classes or refreshing your driving skills periodically helps ensure that you have the best driving skills possible so that you can avert an accident and drive safely in all sorts of conditions. In many cases, additional training may be able to ensure a better insurance rate as well.

6) Drive defensively.

7) Stay focused on driving. Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of Miami Beach car accidents, and is also one of the most preventable reasons for car accidents. Put away mobile devices whenever you step in your car and keep your entire focus on driving. This helps keep everyone on the roads safer.

If you are in a Miami Beach car accident involving a truck, your first priority should be to get medical attention. If you have hit your head, especially, you will want to get prompt medical attention. Even if you have no immediate symptoms, some brain injuries – even serious and fatal injuries – to not immediately manifest symptoms. It is always better to err on the side of caution and get a medical evaluation if you have hit your head. If you have lost consciousness, have a serious headache, or have vision problems, call emergency personnel. The sooner you can get a proper diagnosis and treatment, the better your chances of recovery are.

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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycles are among the most dangerous modes of transportation on the roadways, with motorcyclists comprising 13% of all traffic deaths. Since motorcyclists have fewer barriers of protection, they are more vulnerable in a North Miami traffic accident. In fact, according to the NHTSA, motorcyclists are 25 times more likely to die and 5 times more likely to be injured in a car accident than occupants of a passenger vehicle. Motorcyclists involved in a North Miami truck accident are especially vulnerable to injuries and fatalities, as the sheer size and force of a truck can easily crush a motorcycle and motorcyclist. Despite the dangers, motorcyclists still have a passionate love of bikes. In the US, there were 8 million registered motorcycles in 2009, and the number is growing.

Statistics show that in 2009, about one in two motorcycle accidents involved another vehicle. In about 40% of cases, these accidents took place when a vehicle turned left and crashed into a motorcycle that was passing or headed straight. In about 27% of cases, the accidents look place when both the vehicle and motorcycle were traveling straight.

According to experts, the main reason behind motorcycle accidents is related to visibility. In many cases, motorcyclists are not visible to other drivers or other drivers are simply not on the lookout for motorcyclists. While motorcyclists can take steps to be more visible, truck drivers and passenger car drivers also need to be more cautious about keeping an eye out for motorcycles. To encourage this, the NHTSA has teamed up with local law enforcement as part of its “Share the Road” initiative. As part of the program, the NHTSA is reminding all motorcyclists and car and truck drivers that:

1) Motorcycles should be given a full lane at all times. Sharing the lane, even when there seems to be enough room to do so, is extremely dangerous and prevents a motorcyclist from having the room to maneuver safely. Not allowing motorcyclists enough room is a common cause of North Miami motorcycle accidents.

2) Distraction is a danger, whether you are a driver, motorcyclist, bicyclist, or pedestrian. Distracted drivers and riders are less likely to notice motorcyclists and other traffic situations that require attention. Putting mobile devices away and putting all focus on the road is the safest way to share the road.

3) Motorcyclists have the same privileges, rights, and responsibilities as all other vehicles on the road.

4) Use signals. Truck drivers, car drivers, motorcyclists, and bicyclists need to signal when merging or changing lanes to let other vehicles know their intention. Signaling lets other vehicles around you adjust their driving as needed.

5) At intersections and when entering or leaving a lane, check your mirrors and blind spots. Motorcyclists, pedestrians, and bicyclists may not be noticeable because they are in a blind spot.

6) Give motorcycles and trucks more room. Trucks make frequent stops while motorcyclists change speeds more often or adjust position in a lane due to weather or road conditions. Motorcycles can also stop more quickly than cars. Giving trucks and motorcycles more room is the safest way to adjust for these differences.

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Miramar brain injury victims often sustain their injuries in sport accidents, falls, or in Miramar truck accidents and car accidents. Victims of concussions and other traumatic brain injuries may suffer headache, dizziness, nausea while victims of even more serious brain injuries may suffer memory loss, loss of consciousness, loss of motor functions, and even fatalities. In each case, these injuries occur because the head slams against a hard surface or is shaken inside the skull, causing the soft brain tissue to bounce against the inside of the skull. When this occurs, the brain gets bruised or even severely damages. In a serious Miramar brain injury, there may be extensive tissue damage, bleeding, or swelling.

According to psychiatrist Dr. Shree Bhalerao, however, one issue that is often not explored is the emotional and psychological impact of brain injuries. According to Dr. Bhalerao, the emotional trauma of a serious brain injury is often under-estimated and under-recognized, even though victims can suffer from severe trauma that affects every aspect of their lives for months and even years after their brain injury.

According to some Miramar brain injury patients, a serious brain injury after a truck accident can cause debilitating emotional upset and even serious personality changes. Some Miramar truck accident survivors living with brain injuries may experience anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, impaired thinking, and other symptoms. In rarer cases, Dr. Bhalerao reports, victims may experience psychosis or paranoia. Dr. Bhalerao and other experts have been arguing for more awareness of the issue and more resources for brain injury patients who need help.

The challenge for Miramar truck accident victims who have suffered a head injury is that access to resources may vary widely. Victims and their doctors may not be aware of all the possible risks and challenges that brain injury victims safe. As well, psychological counseling and therapy is expensive, so access to these services varies. In many cases, since the emotional trauma of brain injury has not been widely studied or recognized, counseling and therapy may be seen as an “optional” treatment for Miramar brain injury patients, and may therefore not be covered by medical insurance or car insurance after a truck accident. This is the case even if a Miramar truck accident victim legitimately requires counseling after their accident to recover fully.

For this reason, it is important to consult with a Miramar personal injury attorney if you have suffered a brain injury after a truck accident. A good attorney can offer advice about legal options. In the event that the accident was caused by someone’s negligence or recklessness, the victim can pursue compensation for their injuries. This compensation can help pay for counseling and for other necessary treatment services, ensuring that the victim has the best possible chance of recovery. Even if a victim is not sure they wish to pursue a legal case, speaking with a Miramar personal injury attorney is a good idea. A Florida attorney can help provide an accurate sense of the strength of a case and its value. An experienced attorney can also help a truck accident survivor understand all options and can even help negotiate with insurance carriers.

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Fort Lauderdale car accidents, traffic accidents, and pool incidents cause many brain injuries. Many teen and child Fort Lauderdale brain injury victims, however, sustain their injuries while playing sports. A new bill has passed the Florida Legislature to prevent just these injuries. Senate Bill 256, unanimously passed, was sponsored by Senator Anitere Flores, and aims to prevent student athletes from getting back into the game too soon after a brain injury. The bill has been sent to Governor Rick Scott to be signed.

The bill has the approval of the National Football League and the National Collegiate Athletic Association and is designed to ensure that there are stricter policies in place to get injured athletes back into the game. The bill raises awareness about the role of brain injuries in sports and ensures that students only are allowed back into the game with a physicians’ approval and after certain precautions have been met.

According to many experts, the bill is much needed because brain injuries are a leading cause of serious injuries to Fort Lauderdale teens and minors. In many cases, brain injuries occur during sports when teens are hit in the head or when they fall onto a hard surface (such as ice). When this occurs, the brain inside the skull bounces against the hard surface and this impact can cause cell death or soft tissue injury. This type of injury is known as traumatic brain injury and it can occur in virtually any sport, including cheerleading, basketball, hockey, football, and others. A Fort Lauderdale brain injury can also occur during a game, practice, tryout, or any other time.

Brain injuries can cause memory loss, confusion, loss of motor skills, and even fatalities. It is vital for athletes to recover fully from their injury before returning to their sport. If an athlete does not fully recover from an injury and sustains a second brain injury, that second injury will likely be more severe and more likely to cause permanent injury or death. There is also research that suggests that teens and children need more time to recover from brain injuries than adults, since children’s brains are still developing and therefore more vulnerable. Yet, experts also note that children are likely to return to a sport well before they are ready.

The Center for Injury Research and Policy reports that about 140 000 student athletes in the nation’s high schools suffer concussions annually and about 40% of those injured athletes return to their sport before it is safe to do so. Part of the problem is that many schools do not have professionals who know how to evaluate brain injuries in the field. A student may feel fine and may return to the game, even though they have suffered a serious and potentially life-threatening injury. Some brain injuries do not exhibit symptoms immediately, which also makes evaluation challenging. It is hoped that the new bill will help prevent serious brain injuries among student athletes.

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March 2012 is Brain Injury Awareness Month. It is a month during which many agencies and private groups will be working to raise awareness about brain injuries and brain injury prevention. North Bay Village brain injury patients and organizations will also be involved in the effort. There are many ways to get involved this month:

1) Donate money or help raise donations for a local brain injury organization. Organizations do many useful things, including assisting patients and supporting research. With many North Bay Village car accident and traffic accident victims affected by brain injuries each year, there is a growing demand for funding.

2) Organize an awareness event at your workplace. Have a discussion or schedule a presentation about preventing workplace injuries, including brain injuries. Unfortunately, brain injuries are commonly caused by workplace injuries and these serious injuries often prevent victims from returning to work. Employees covered by North Bay Village workers compensation find that insurance often does not cover the huge costs of a permanent brain injury. Helping prevent injuries in the workplace is key, and you can combine educational efforts in the workplace with fundraising efforts as well.

3) Speak to a brain injury survivor or speak out if you have survived a brain injury yourself. Brain injuries are considered an “invisible” disability and many people are not aware of the devastating effects of this type of injury. Open discussion helps address this problem.

4) Take a defensive driving course. North Bay Village truck accidents and car accidents are a leading cause of brain injuries, not to mention fatalities. Brushing up on your driving skills can help you prevent a North Bay Village car accident and many types of serious injuries, including brain injuries.

5) Check your sports equipment and helmets. If you ride a bicycle or motorcycle, make sure that you wear a helmet and check that your helmet is in good condition and is a correct fit. If you are in a North Bay Village motorcycle accident or bicycle accident, a good helmet can save your life and can prevent a serious injury. For the same reason, check this month to make sure that any helmets you use for contact sports are in good condition and fit correctly. Replace any helmets that need replacing. It could be the best purchase you make.

6) Avoid high-risk activities. Many brain injuries are caused by risk-taking activities, such as driving without a seat belt, taking part in extreme sports without due precautions, and other risky activities. This month is a good time to review your lifestyle and to make needed changes.

7) Write a letter to an elected representative or your local newspaper, sharing your views about brain injuries. Support legislation that helps brain injury victims and encourage research funding for brain injury victims.

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Brain injuries commonly occur as a result of Miami car accidents, falls, and other accidents. Any serious brain injury can result in loss of cognitive function, memory, and other skills. Many Miami brain injury patients, however, suffer permanent injuries, while others spend many months or years trying to recover from their injuries.

While any brain injury can be devastating, there is evidence that teens may be more vulnerable to brain injuries when compared with adults and young children. According to research published in the Brain Injury journal, teens who had sustained traumatic brain injuries fared worse on tests checking working memory six months after their accidents than children and adults in the same situation. The tests administered to the brain injury victims tested the ability of the brain to store and handle short-term information. This skill is very important in learning.

The study was authored by David Ellemberg of the University of Montreal. According to Ellemberg, one reason why teens may suffer more from a traumatic brain injury is that the frontal lobe goes through a growth spurt during the teen years. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain in charge of working memory and when it grows suddenly during the teen years, Ellemberg believes that it is more delicate and more vulnerable to concussions and other types of injury.

According to Ellemberg, one of the concerns with the research is that it shows that much traditional thinking about brain injury is incorrect. For example, many people assume that children’s brains and teens’ brains are less vulnerable because they are still growing, whereas the new research shows that the opposite is true. Another concern for Ellemberg is that working memory is essential for everyone – problems with working memory can make it very hard for brain injury patients to multitask, learn, and take part in everyday activities.

There are other concerns with the research, too. Florida teens are already very vulnerable to brain injuries. The teen years are usually a time of trying new things, getting a driver’s license, and branching out. Unfortunately, many teens each year are injured in Miami truck accidents, traffic accidents, and sports-related accidents. In many cases, these types of accidents lead to traumatic brain injury. If the new study is right in finding that teens may suffer from brain injuries more than adults, teen Miami brain injury victims may find themselves with a longer recovery time, higher medical costs, and more symptoms, just because of their age.

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Mr. Flaxman is highly skilled and very pleasant to work with. He communicated with me at every step in the process, and clearly presented information relating to my case. To anyone considering retaining his firm, I highly recommend him. Clara Barman
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Charlie is a very skilled attorney that advocates hard for his clients. But the best part is he is an all around great guy. He cares about helping and doing what is right for people and his community. And he is not afraid to fight against those who do wrong or against threats to our world. He is fluent in Spanish as well. Do yourself a favor and call him. Andy
I had a lawyer on another case and I never spoke to the lawyer and I hated that I never knew what was going on in my case. Mr. Flaxman was in constant communication with me, explained everything to me, and his staff was really great too. My phone calls were always returned immediately. It was refreshing to be able to speak to my attorney personally. I would HIGHLY recommend Mr. Flaxman as an attorney to anyone who has been in an accident. Gloria
I found Mr. Flaxman to be an excellent attorney for my personal injury case. This is actually the second time I have used him and he really represented my interests. He explained everything thoroughly and he was very available for my questions. Carol
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