
Articles Posted in truck crashes


How Trucking Accidents Can Happen with Large Rental Trucks

Car rental and truck rental companies offer drivers of passenger cars trucks they can rent for moves and home projects. Some of these trucks are large vehicles that can transport everything in a 3-4 bedroom house. While they’re available for rental and while motorists assume they’re safe, these trucks can…


Common Mistakes that Lead to Trucking Accidents

Driving requires a lot of focus. You need to be able to see clearly around you, interpret what you’re seeing, and react appropriately to stay safe. Since trucks are much larger vehicles and handle differently than passenger cars, some simple mistakes on the part of drivers can increase the risk…


Can Truck Drivers in Miami See You To Avoid a Car Collision?

Visibility issues are a major contributor to truck crashes in Miami and other South Florida communities. When drivers of big rigs, 18-wheelers, tankers, and other large commercial vehicles can’t see motorists around them, they can easily cause an accident, especially since large vehicles take longer to come to a complete…


Why Are Truck Accidents an Issue During the Holidays in Florida City?

During the holiday season, truck collisions in Florida City and surrounding areas are a concern. This time of year is very busy and even with supply chain issues this year, there are more trucks on the road, which can result in truck accidents. There are many reasons why we may…


Experiencing Hearing Loss in Miami Beach

Hearing loss can occur after a Miami Beach car accident, fall, assault, or any situation where a head injury occurs. If the temporal or parietal lobes are injured, hearing loss can happen. Hearing loss can also occur gradually with exposure to very loud noises, which is a common occurrence in…


What Does Fair Compensation Look Like in a Homestead Trucking Accident?

If you have been in a trucking collision in Homestead, Miami, or anywhere in South Florida, you need to think about your future. Due to the large size of trucks, being in this type of accident can lead to life-long head injuries, back injuries, and other life-altering damages. Your first…


Truck Accidents at Night: Staying Visible to Drivers in Homestead and Florida

Driving at night can mean poorer visibility and sleepiness, but it can also mean fewer cars on the road. Many motorists assume that there are fewer dangers on the roads at night because there is less traffic, but this is not the case. In addition to the unique risks of…


Driving Home the Message About Safe Driving to Teens

For teens, driving is a route to freedom and many young teens eagerly look forward to the day they can start the process of learning to drive. While many teens want to drive safely and carefully, however, there is sometimes pressure on young drivers to take risks. Pressure from friends…

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